Historically, CS GROUP, as a socially responsible company, participates through its activities and with its customers in reinforcing the protection and safeguarding of our world: systems for supervising sensitive areas, exploitation of data to prevent and support sensitive climatic phenomena, etc.
We are committed to positively impacting our common future with all of our main stakeholders: our employees, our customers and our suppliers, through our ReScuE program.
This proactive program aims to develop our four CSR pillars and integrate the Green IT approach into our operational activities.
Our CSR approach must therefore be at the heart of our daily achievements in a continuous improvement process, it is the CSR identity of our Group! “
Marie De Saint Salvy – CEO Deputy CS GROUP
In order to meet the societal and environmental challenges of tomorrow, CS GROUP has launched its ReScuE program to improve regularly on our 4 pillars of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy and to implement a more responsible digital environment by deploying the Green IT approach within our operational projects.
The ReScuE program therefore involves all CS GROUP players: employees, customers, suppliers.
In this logic, CS GROUP is also a member of the UN Global Compact program, in order to build a more sustainable society around the 17 objectives defined (ODD).
CS GROUP is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
CS GROUP is committed to improving its performance in terms of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) by taking better account of the impact of sustainability on the company and the impact of the company on people and the environment, by acting on the 4 pillars of CSR.
At CS GROUP, diversity is a source of strength: in human terms first of all, but also in creative terms thanks to the way we share our practices and methods. This is a genuine added value to which we committed in 2004 when we signed the Corporate Diversity Charter.
Through concrete initiatives we fight discrimination and promote equal opportunities, equal access to work and knowledge sharing.
In 2022, CS GROUP scored 87/100* on the gender equality index:
This comprises five major criteria that are used to assess gender inequalities in companies:
In accordance with the Rixain Law of December 2021, CS GROUP has 20% women represented on its management bodies, compared with 80% men.
CS GROUP is not subject to the procedures for calculating gender representation gaps for the senior management population, as the company does not have any senior management employees in the strict sense of Article L.3111-2.
CS GROUP has joined the Planet Tech’Care community
Aware of the crucial importance of ecological transition and eager to play and active part in it, we at CS GROUP are committed to measuring and reducing the environmental impacts of our products and services.
In 2023, CS GROUP obtained a score of 68/100 in the EcoVadis rating, which recognizes our environmental, social and ethical performance, an increase of 14 points in 2 years, that brings us closer to our goal of being a gold medalist in 2024.